Locally Zonta Club of Ashburton assists with these Awards:

Young Woman in Leadership Award

The club recognises annually a young female who has demonstrated leadership skills and commitment to public service and civic causes in our community .The recipient receives a $500 cash prize.

Zonta Ashburton Woman Art Awards

The Zonta Ashburton Woman Art Awards (ZAWAA) is to be held annually in March at the Ashburton Gallery and Heritage Centre.

Incidental Grant

Small Incidental Grants are also available to assist women with expenses in relation to activities they maybe involved in which promote the status women.

Zonta International Awards

Amelia Earhart Fellowship programme helps talented women, pursuing advanced studies in the typically male-dominated fields of aerospace-related sciences and engineering, achieve their educational goals.

Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship programme helps women pursue undergraduate and Master’s degrees in business management and overcome gender barriers from the classroom.

Young Women in Leadership Award programme recognises young women for their demonstrated leadership skills and commitment to public service and civic causes and encourages them to continue their participation in public and political life.

Zonta International Women in Technology Scholarship is to encourage women to pursue education and opportunities and take on leadership roles in technology.